In: symptoms

Co-occurring Disorders in Teenagers: Cocaine and Anxiety

Anxiety commonly occurs in the teenage population due to the many changing factors associated with this life stage. Hormonal changes, physical…

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Seasonal Affective Disorder, Holiday Anxiety and the Holiday Blues

Shorter daylight, colder temperatures and the beginning of fall and winter can trigger feelings of low mood, lack of motivation, loss…

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How Can I Tell if My Child Have Anxiety?

An anxiety disorder is characterized by an irrational, persistent, and overwhelming sense of fear and worry that interferes with daily activities….

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panic attack, anxiety attacks, how to stop panic attacks
How Can I Help My Child During an Anxiety or Panic Attack?

Anxiety attacks, formally known as panic attacks, are scary. As a parent, it can be extremely devastating to witness your child…

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How Can I Help my Troubled Teen?

Raising a teenager can be very challenging. Teenagers are in a state of limbo where they are trying to seek their…

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Is My Teenager Depressed?

Teenagers face a host of pressures, from the hormonal changes of puberty and building their self-esteem, to facing peer pressure about…

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Why Does My Child Seem Anxious in School?

Updated on 06/04/24 Sometimes anxiety is easy to identify, like when a child is feeling nervous before a test at school….

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A woman laying on the coach suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Depression
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Versus Depression

Depression is a leading cause of disability in the United States and with so many different signs and symptoms, it can…

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Most Common Mental Health Disorders in the United States

The first week of October is National Mental Health Awareness week and understanding the differences between mental health disorders and the…

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