This Brentwood location includes three shared bedrooms and one private room along with four bathrooms and therapy rooms. It is a gender-inclusive facility serving adolescents with mental health issues. Our program focuses on supporting young patients in building their identities, learning how to manage their emotional struggles in healthy and appropriate ways, and learning skills to manage maladaptive behaviors.
We utilize cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), psychodynamic and behavioral modification, as well as experiential therapy through equine and other physical activities that may include playing in the large yard, gardening, art or yoga, all of which support emotional regulation and awareness. Family participation is integrated through homework and weekly family sessions. Therapeutic passes for home visits on weekends include assigned tasks that support family growth and reconciliation.
The School Support Program is offered to young patients, where an education liaison supervises and supports them through their schoolwork. The education liaison also collaborates with the patient’s therapist to ensure they have the right environment in place for learning, which will in turn help them reintegrate into their school after treatment.
Insurances we accept at this location include but are not limited to Kaiser, Humana, Cigna, and Unicare. Please remember that the insurances we accept change frequently. Our insurance team will verify your coverage.
Gender Inclusive
Ages 11-17
Anxiety Disorders
Bipolar Disorder
Reactive Attachment Disorder

Jennifer McClain
Associate Therapist
Sara Stokes, AMFT
Program Administrator
Carolyn Williams
Milieu CoordinatorHere’s What Patients Say After Completing Treatment*
- 97% feel hopeful about their future*
- 95% believe they can handle life after treatment*
- 99% know what helps them get better*
“This has been my best experience with mental health treatment by far. I was able to uncover and help a lot of things I’ve never been able to help before. I would know if I told someone to come here that they would be safe and would get the help and care they needed.” – D.B., former patient at DMA Brentwood
“My daughter felt the program was useful in helping her to identify her triggers as well as learn strategies for dealing with strong emotions. The family sessions were tough, but so valuable. I always had a lot to think about, and I am hopeful my daughter and I can work through life with more ease and grace.” – S.R., parent of DMA Brentwood alumni
*Percentage includes adult and adolescent patients who admitted to the Discovery Mood & Anxiety Program in 2021 (between 1/1/21 and 12/31/21) and completed the Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS) (N = 2,278). Average length of stay is 34.2 days for those who completed treatment (did not discharge to a higher level of care, due to insurance, against treatment advice, transfer or administratively).
Support Group
Discovery Mood & Anxiety provides free support groups for individuals, loved ones, and professionals. Find out more about how to join our free support groups.