When To Refer

When Should I Refer to Discovery Mood & Anxiety?

Sometimes, a client’s needs may be acute or they may not be progressing in outpatient treatment. In those cases, it may be time to considering referring your client to a higher level of care with us.

If your client experiences any of the following, we urge you to reach out to us:

  • A desire to recover but an inability to make progress
  • A life that’s becoming unmanageable
  • A roadblock in therapy or an inability to progress
  • A major mental health issue that precludes recovery
  • A serious addiction that is not responding to outpatient care
  • An obstacle that can’t be overcome in the office alone
  • A desire to find more intensive treatment for at least a short period of time

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us or refer your client to us. We will communicate with you on an ongoing basis, so together, we can achieve the best results possible for your client.

Insurance and Professional Support

Discovery Mood & Anxiety Program accepts most major insurance coverage. We also work very closely with insurance providers to ensure the maximum coverage and treatment options possible. We have experts who are skilled at coordinating care between our professionals, you, your client, and the insurance company.

We work to make the transition of care from you to us—and back again—as smooth and painless as possible. Additionally, we value and respect your input. After all, you know your client better than we possibly could at the start of treatment.

If you are unsure about referral, we encourage you to reach out and speak with one of our specialists. We’re confident that, by working together, we can ensure lasting success in recovery.

Call Us Today

If you have a client who is struggling, please reach out. Discovery Mood & Anxiety specializes in treatment for mental health, substance abuse, and dual diagnoses, by creating unique programs to help every individual find their way to recovery. For more information, resources, or to consult with one of our specialists, call 714.828.0808.

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Preferred In-Network Provider for All Major Health Insurance