By: Ben Mahoney
Obstacles Teens Encounter when Entering Drug Addiction Rehab
The teenage years can be challenging. Navigating through puberty, peer pressure and tackling raging hormones in addition to balancing school and…
Read MoreThe Importance of Depression Screening at Regular Doctor Visits
Americans visit their physicians for a multitude of reasons: a common cold, allergies, diabetes, hypertension, an annual women’s examination and for…
Read MoreNational Depression Screening Day
During Mental Illness Awareness Week on Oct. 1-7, 2017, National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI) and other mental health participants across…
Read MoreRisky Business: Habits and Behaviors that Increase the Risk of Developing a Mental Health Disorder
According to statistics, approximately one in five Americans will be affected by a mental health condition at least once in their…
Read MoreMost Common Mental Health Disorders in the United States
The first week of October is National Mental Health Awareness week and understanding the differences between mental health disorders and the…
Read MoreMental Health Awareness Week October 1-7, 2017
During Mental Illness Awareness Week on Oct. 1-7, 2017, National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI) and other mental health participants across…
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Suicide in Adolescents
Suicidal ideations are thoughts involving killing oneself and often are directly related to mental health illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar…
Read MoreSubstance Abuse: A Disease Among the Elderly
Substance abuse affects every age, gender and ethnicity, but individuals may choose to use different substances depending on their age. For…
Read MoreThe Truth About Polysubstance Abuse
Polysubstance abuse refers to the consumption of one or more illicit substances over a defined period or simultaneously. It was once…
Read MoreThe Obsession with Beauty and How it is Linked to Depression in Teens
Barbie dolls, GI Joe dolls and Victoria Secret’s lingerie angels are just a few icons that have shaped the way young…
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