By: Kristen Fuller

Anxiety and anger, anxiety meaning, anger disorders
When Anxiety Turns to Anger: Relationship of Anxiety and Anger

Anxiety and anger often go hand-in-hand, with anxiety sometimes resulting in frustration or even rage if it is not addressed. Furthermore,…

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Is Anxiety a Disorder?

Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stress and can manifest in many ways, including fear, uneasiness, or a “pit at…

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Woman standing in forefront while male coworkers talk about her in the background
Adult Bullying: A Link to Mental Health Issues

Today, bullying does not just happen on the playground and in the classroom among children and adolescents. Our society is now…

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Symptoms of an anxiety attack, what are the symptoms of anxiety attack, anxiety attack symptoms
Symptoms of An Anxiety Attack

Anxiety attacks are often interchangeably used with the term “panic attack,” and although they do share similar characteristics, symptoms of an…

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define anxiety
Defining Panic Disorder and Define Anxiety

Defining Panic Disorder and Define Anxiety Studies have shown that approximately 2%-6% of adults in the United States will be diagnosed…

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LGBTQ Holiday Family Gatherings

For many, the holidays are an exciting time to gather with family and friends that one may not see throughout the…

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Christmas and Pleasing Others

The holiday season can be the busiest time of the year. Holiday parties, gift exchanges, family gatherings, celebratory dinners, and decorations…

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The Stress of Holiday Event Planning

Table settings, invitations, planning the menu, the entertainment and the preparation are just some of the major tasks in planning an…

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Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a subtype of depression that comes and goes with the changes in seasons. The “winter blues” typically…

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Top Reasons to Focus on Mental Health Treatment This Winter: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

1. Be Aware of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Substance Abuse. Get Treatment Now if You Need it.  For some lucky…

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