Pacific Place in Long Beach, CA


Pacific Place in Long Beach, CA


Virtual treatment available: DMA outpatient programs can also be accessed via online telehealth services.

Healing Primary Mental Health Disorders with Dialectical Behavior Therapy

When your child’s mental health disorder has been continuously disruptive to their everyday life and yours, you want to get them evidence-based help that will get to the root of the issue so they can eventually thrive. We believe that dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) can help get them to a better place, which is why Pacific Place has a comprehensive DBT program for patients with complex needs.

Specializing in DBT at Pacific Place

DBT is an effective treatment for teenagers struggling with outbursts, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, self-harm, mood swings, other high-risk behaviors and multiple hospitalizations. This treatment has 30+ years of empirical evidence supporting DBT’s effectiveness in treating depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder.

DBT is considered the gold standard for treating suicide and self-harming behaviors. DBT seeks to understand self-destructive patterns of behavior associated with intense emotions. In doing so, these patterns of behavior are replaced with DBT skills. Mindfulness is also heavily incorporated into DBT. Our goal is to empower patients to make changes that will make their life worth living.

What to Expect at Our Comprehensive DBT Program

At our 16-bed, all gender facility in Long Beach, California, here’s what your child can expect while getting treatment:

  • DBT adherent program (treatment delivery is consistent with empirical evidence)
  • DBT skills group 4 days/week
  • DBT skills group taught by experienced DBT practitioners
  • Majority of clinicians are DBT-trained
  • Intensively trained DBT leadership and floor staff
  • Individual therapy
  • In-the-moment coaching, aka, staff provides patient consistent redirection and feedback during interactions

Along with utilizing DBT, patients are also immersed in several creative therapies such as:

  • Art Therapy
  • Mindfulness beach walks

When not in therapy, patients have access to a basketball half-court, spacious outdoor area, ping-pong table and supervised field trips.

Check out this in-depth weekly schedule to get an idea of a patient’s day-to-day life at Pacific Place. Please note this is a sample schedule and subject to change.

Involving Family from the Start

When one member of the family struggles with a mental health disorder, the entire family feels it. That’s why family and/or the support system of a patient is involved throughout the duration of treatment. Family programming – which includes online or in-person family sessions with the patient, multi-family groups and visitations on weekends – supports family growth and reconciliation. Families also get immersed in DBT skills training. When you understand what your loved one has learned in treatment and apply the same emotional regulation skills in the home, it can help you be a more effective parent, guardian, brother, sister or friend.

Educational Support

Therapy is at the forefront of what we do but that doesn’t mean education takes a backseat. At Pacific Place, each patient has 20 hours per week dedicated to schoolwork. Our Educational Liaison provides supervision and support to help patients focus on their studies. Even if a patient needs a lot of catching up to do, the school support program aims to get them back on track and build confidence along the way.

In-Network Provider

Insurances we accept at this location include but are not limited to Kaiser, Humana, Cigna, Blue Cross, Anthem, United, TriCare, and Unicare. DBT can sometimes be inaccessible and unaffordable, so that’s why we try to make it as accessible as possible by accepting many different insurances. Please remember that the insurances we accept do change frequently. Our insurance team is happy to help verify your coverage.

Sample Residential Treatment Schedule

Patients receive care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please note: This is only an example; schedule can change at any time.

7 a.m. Wake up 3:45 p.m. Recreational activity
7:30 a.m. Light snack 4:30 p.m. Relationship & communication skills
8 a.m. Therapeutic group 5:30 p.m. Dinner
9:45 a.m. School work (adolescent patients) 6 p.m. Clean up
11 a.m. Therapeutic group 6:30 p.m. School work (adolescent patients)
12 p.m. Lunch 7:30 p.m. Coping skills
12:30 p.m. Clean up 8:30 p.m. Snack
1 p.m. Process group 9 p.m. Get ready for bed
2:30 p.m. Snack 9:30 p.m. Room time
2:45 p.m. School work (adolescent patients) 10 p.m. Sleep


All Genders
Ages 11-17


Lisa Arndt, LMFT

Primary Therapist/Clinical Supervisor

Christopher Myrick

Primary Therapist

Dr. Michael Louie


Blaise Eversole

Milieu Manager

Everest Robinson

Associate Therapist

Brian P. Betz, Ph.D.

Program Director

Here’s What Patients Say After Completing Treatment*

  • 97% feel hopeful about their future*
  • 95% believe they can handle life after treatment*
  • 99% know what helps them get better*

“This place truly saved my life. I’ve been to another treatment center before and it doesn’t compare. I have truly made so many positive changes to myself, my relationships and my lifestyle because of this place.” – A.A., former patient at DMA Pacific Place

“On the eve before my son’s discharge, I am tear-filled knowing how far my son has come in his health. I am ever so grateful.” – M.C., parent of DMA Pacific Place alumni

“This place saved my life. It’s an amazing facility and I’m so thankful for it.” – B.B., former patient at DMA Pacific Place

*Percentage includes adult and adolescent patients who admitted to the Discovery Mood & Anxiety Program in 2021 (between 1/1/21 and 12/31/21) and completed the Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS) (N = 2,278). Average length of stay is 34.2 days for those who completed treatment (did not discharge to a higher level of care, due to insurance, against treatment advice, transfer or administratively).

Support Group

Discovery Mood & Anxiety provides free support groups for individuals, loved ones, and professionals. Find out more about how to join our free support groups.

Preferred In-Network Provider for All Major Health Insurance

Preferred In-Network Provider for All Major Health Insurance