According to statistics, alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States: 17.6 million people or one in every 12 adults are diagnosed with an alcohol abuse disorder and millions of more individuals engage in risky behaviors such as binge drinking that can potentially lead to alcohol abuse disorder. Alcohol use disorder can affect every organ in the body and create hardships within relationships and result in financial burdens due to the loss of a job or legal fees. Seeking professional treatment for your alcohol use disorder (alcohol addiction, alcohol abuse) is the best way to stop drinking. Many individuals turn to alcohol (and other substances) as a coping strategy to deal with stress, negative feelings, boredom, and past traumas with no intention of becoming a heavy drinker or addicted to alcohol however alcohol is a very addictive substance and over time the individual will experience physical withdrawals after abstaining from chronic alcohol use.
Discovery is a leading treatment center that helps clients who have substance abuse disorders (including alcohol use disorder), mental health disorders and eating disorders by providing them access to personalized treatment in a safe environment. Center For Discovery works closely with teenagers, adolescents, and adults who need professional treatment for their alcohol abuse and works to encompass family therapy, psychotherapy and medication management for all clients.
Alcohol abuse and co-occurring disorders
Discovery works diligently to recognize and diagnose any underlying co-occurring disorders that are present in addition to the client’s alcohol abuse. Co-occurring disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression, eating disorders, other substance abuse disorders, self-harm behaviors, and anxiety disorders are known to cause alcohol abuse disorder and are also known to occur as a result from alcohol use disorders. These other disorders sometimes go unrecognized and undiagnosed because the alcohol abuse is at the center of treatment however the alcohol abuse disorder cannot be fully treated without recognizing and treating any underlying co-occurring disorders.
Alcohol abuse and trauma
Excessive drinking is often related to underlying traumatic events, whether it is physical trauma or emotional trauma; we often use alcohol as a way to numb our feelings. Discovery uses trauma-informed therapy in any client who has an alcohol abuse disorder and who have experienced a past traumatic episode, regardless of the significance of the event. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy that was introduced to relieve the long-lasting effects of distressing and traumatic memories. This evidence-based therapy has been used to treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and many other disorders associated with trauma. Complete treatment involves a three-pronged protocol that addresses past memories, the present disturbance, and future actions, which may be associated with the trauma. All of these must be addressed in order to alleviate the symptoms. Discovery has many therapists who are trained in trauma-informed therapy, including EMDR, and these therapists work closely with clients who have a history of trauma and who are using alcohol as a coping mechanism. EMDR is not necessarily a treatment for the alcohol use disorder, per se but it can treat underlying feelings associated with trauma that results in the drinking habits.