In: talk

When Typical Teenager Behavior Becomes Troubled Teenager Behavior

As teenagers begin to assert their independence and find their own identity, many experience behavioral changes that can seem bizarre and…

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How to Tell If My Child Is Being Bullied at School

Updated on 05/20/24 Between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 students in the United States say they have been bullied…

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Why is my Child Sad All the Time?

As a parent, it can be heartbreaking to see your child sad or upset, even if it is momentary. Most children…

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Can the Holiday Season be a Trigger for my Child’s Depression?

Just like adults, children and teenagers often exhibit signs of stress around the holidays. If a child is known to have…

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“My Teen is Cutting: Please Help.”

Updated on 2/10/2023 Cutting is a form of self-harm behavior that is used to relieve inner stress and anxiety. Cutting refers…

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