By: Guest Collaborators

Mental Health Statistics in Native Americans: Numbers Don’t Lie

Native Americans represent 1.1% of the US population(1) but they make up 10% of those who are homeless(2) and according to…

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cutting self harm, why do people self harm, what is cutting
Psychology Behind Cutting Self Harm: Looking at the Underlying Causes

Psychology Behind Cutting Self Harm: Looking at the Underlying Causes Self-harm is the act of hurting oneself, whether it is physical…

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Suicide Prevention Statistics: World Suicide Day September 10, 2019

September 10th is world suicide prevention day, an awareness day that is recognized around the world to remember those affected by…

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International Awareness Overdose Day: Drug Addiction and Mental Health

International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on August 31 each year and aims to raise awareness of overdose…

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Bipolar Spectrum Disorder, What are Bipolar Symptoms?

Bipolar spectrum disorder involves a wide range of signs and symptoms that can vary in severity. These symptoms may include mood…

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Common Myths and Misunderstanding About Reactive Attachment Disorder

Reactive attachment disorder, a disorder that is seen in young children, results from the disruption of the attachment process by neglect,…

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Famous You Tuber Loses His Life to Mental Illness

29-year-old Desmond Amofah, a popular YouTuber known as “Etika”, was found dead in the East River in New York after posting…

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