We all experience emotions, and we all know the feeling when our emotions seem to be taking over us. It would be nice if our lives could be filled with positivity and happiness all the time, but that is simply not possible. We do need to encourage ourselves to be accepting of all of our different emotions because every emotion we feel is meant to serve, inform, or protect us. However, we still need ways that we can combat our disruptive emotions in order to be as positive and happy as we can be. In this blog, I will be sharing the strategies that I use to combat the overwhelming emotions in my life.  

Understanding Your Emotions

The first step in the process that I use to combat my overwhelming emotions has to do with understanding. I need to identify how I feel and then find the emotions that match my feelings. At that point, I can figure out what is causing these emotions or what is triggering me. Finally, I can decide which of my senses are being affected by my emotions.

Identifying How I Feel

When I begin to experience emotions that are disrupting my life, I have to physically stop and think to myself, “What am I actually feeling right now? Am I stressed? Is my homework load overwhelming? Was I offended by my friend’s joke?” These are the types of questions that I ask myself in order to identify how I feel.

Matching My Feelings with Emotions

Once I have identified my feelings, I figure out which emotions represent those feelings. Some of the emotions that might match my feelings are anger, sadness, loneliness, fear, shame, anxiety, embarrassment, jealousy, guilt, confusion, boredom, or envy. This is a list of emotions that are typically associated with negativity. Of course, these are not the only emotions that we feel, but I tend to start by seeing if I am feeling any of the emotions on the above list.

Tracking Down My Triggers

Next, I track down my triggers. In other words, I decide what might be causing my emotions to pop up. My emotions always have a starting point, and I figure out what that starting point is in this step. 

Locating the Senses that are Being Affected By My Emotions 

Once I have identified my feelings, matched my feelings with my emotions, and tracked down my triggers, I locate the senses in my body that are being affected by my emotions. The senses I am looking for are sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing.

Take the Necessary Steps to Cope

Now that I understand my emotions, their roots, and how they are affecting me, I begin to try out my coping strategies. There are a few things that I keep in mind as I choose my coping skills.

Facing the Emotion

It took me a while to realize that I need to face my emotions and not hide from them. It takes courage to do this, and it also takes patience. It is necessary, though. Ignoring the emotions only leads to a “blowup point”. This is when the emotions take over, and we begin to act out in ways that are not healthy for us.  

Finding Positive Coping Skills

There are many different positive coping skills to try. A few categories of positive coping skills are physical coping skills, internal coping skills, and creative coping skills. Here are a few examples of coping skills in each of these categories that I like to use:

Physical Coping Skills

  • Exercising
  • Drinking Water
  • Deep Breathing
  • Talking About the Emotions

Internal Coping Skills

  • Positive Self-Talk
  • Showing Gratitude
  • Practicing Mindfulness
  • Envisioning Situations with Positive Outcomes     

Creative Coping Skills

  • Expressing Through Talent
  • Creating Art 
  • Playing Music
  • Choreographing a Dance

In Conclusion

Combating overwhelming emotions takes time and takes practice. It does not happen overnight, but it is certainly possible. Utilizing my coping skills is my number one strategy to bring positivity into my life, and I have found it to be life-changing in the best way.