Top Reasons to Focus on Mental Health Treatment This Winter: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
1. Be Aware of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Substance Abuse. Get Treatment Now if You Need it. For some lucky...

Finals: Coping with Stress and Supporting Others
Pumpkin spiced lattes, colder temperatures, holiday decorations, and snow, are not only festive signs of the holiday season but also represents...

Substance Abuse in the Indigenous Community
The indigenous population in the United States is considered at risk as many of them live in poverty, are uneducated, have...

Mental Health and Shopping
The holiday season often goes hand in hand with shopping. Shopping for gifts, shopping for holiday décor, and shopping for the...

Coping with Family Gatherings
The holidays can be a wonderful time of the year. Visiting with friends and family, attending gatherings and celebrations, enjoying all...

Black Friday and Anxiety
Updated on 10/26/23 Black Friday cannot only create anxiety, but it can also take away from valuable family time. Many Black...

World Survivors of Suicide Day
With more than 800,000 lives lost to suicide across the world each year, “survivors”, the name given to those who have...

National Caregivers’ Month: Tips for Caregivers
November is National Family Caregivers Month, the month that family members, neighbors, and friends who devote many hours to caring for...

Children’s Mental Health During the Holidays
Updated on 12/05/23 The holidays can be exciting, especially for children. Presents, desserts, decorations, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and all kinds of...