Trauma and Mental Health
According to statistics, a lifetime history of sexual abuse among women ranges from 15 to 25 percent and the prevalence of...

Do I Have Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder is generally misconstrued as a disorder of rapidly ricocheting moods that go from deep misery to extraordinarily elevated self-belief...

Treating my Opioid Addiction
Opioids also referred to as prescription pain medicine or narcotics are extremely addicting and lethal, if taken in a high enough...

Do I Have an Opioid Addiction?
According to statistics, opioid addiction affects approximately five million individuals in the United States each year and is responsible for 17,000...

Do I have a Prescription Pill Addiction?
Prescription pill addiction involves more than opioids and other pain medications. Three large classes of prescription pills that are commonly abused...

Treating my Self-Harm Behavior
Self-harm behavior, formally known as nonsuicidal self-injury disorder, is the purposeful action of harming oneself without the intention of committing suicide. It is...

Do I Have an Alcohol Addiction?
How do you know if you have an alcohol addiction? There are many different assessments health care professionals use to screen...

Developing Reactive Attachment Disorder: Is it Avoidable?
Reactive attachment disorder is a childhood mental health disorder where the child does not develop healthy, stable attachments to their parent/caregiver...

Common Myths and Misunderstanding About Reactive Attachment Disorder
Reactive attachment disorder, a disorder that is seen in young children, results from the disruption of the attachment process by neglect,...