Setting Mini Self-Care Goals for the New Year
Updated on 12/12/23 As the new year approaches, making resolutions becomes a common topic of conversation. Suggestions for resolutions are everywhere,...

Anxiety, Zoom Gatherings and the Holidays
Hey, guys! My name is Christine Marie Frey, also known as Christine XP. I am the founder of the new and...

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Works for Mental Health Treatment
Updated on 3/8/2023 Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a treatment for mental health that focuses on exploring relationships among a person’s...

How to Deal with Anxiety Over the Unknown
Updated on 02/19/24 Hey guys! My name is Christine Marie Frey also known as Christine XP. I am the founder of...

What Is Performance Anxiety?
It is Monday morning and you are asked to present a new project that you’ve been working on at the upcoming...

Facing Holiday-Associated Trauma
Updated on 11/15/23 Note to reader: The content of this article is specifically for those with a history of trauma or...

Positive Halloween Costumes + How to Celebrate During COVID-19
Hey, guys! My name is Christine Marie Frey, also known as Christine XP. I am the founder of the new...

Can Bullying Happen in Online Classrooms?
Fall 2020 is well underway and most students have returned to some form of schooling. Whether your child has returned to...

5 Tips to Overcome Anxiety about This Year’s Election
November 3rd is quickly approaching, which means that our National Election Day is just around the corner. This may be one...